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Deborah Hutton is the co-director of the center's annual Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization and co-director of the Internationalizing the Academic Standards: Indiana (2011; revisions 2015). For multiple international/global outreach projects under her direction, the Global Center received the Goldman Sachs Foundation and Asia Society's Excellence in International Education Prize for Higher Education (2005) and was highlighted in the American Council on Education's Promising Practices: Spotlighting Excellence in Comprehensive Internationalization (2002). The IU International Studies for Indiana Schools [interactive video] Project received the DIAL Consortium's International Distance Learning Programming Award (2001) for two series she created. She was the contributing editor of the Globalization issue of Faces: People, Places, and Cultures (2006). With a lifetime K-12 teaching license in Canada, her teaching experience includes secondary geography and history, as well as undergraduate and graduate university courses in social studies, global education, and making connections with interactive video. In the past, she has worked on projects to promote global education in Russian schools, strengthen social studies education in Africa, and internationalize IU undergraduate teacher education; she also assisted with an IU overseas study experience in the People's Republic of China.

DH Bio: 텍스트
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